Monthly Archives: November 2014

Intersting Facts on Linen


This week we at Paisley Store were studying some weird and interesting facts on the Materials we stock… We picked Linen as the topic of our discussion 🙂 Some of our discoveries which is surely lesser known 🙂


  • In Ancient Egypt, Linen was used as a currency by the wealthier families.
  • Mummies were also wrapped in linen due to the fact that the cloth is sturdy and helped preserve the bodies.
  • Dyed fibers of flax were found in a cave in Georgia that go way back (before the modern world happened), showing that flax was used to create clothes even then.
  • As this fiber is strong, it was used as a shield and gambeson in the Middle Ages. It was also sometimes used as a bowstring.
  • Irish linen is, at times, used as the coating for the cues used in billiards or pool as it absorbs the sweat from hands.

If you too have some interesting facts don’t forget to share with us..Happy Shopping!

Color Pick of the Month “Orange”


Along with the fashion world we too have been smitten with all things “Orange” – One of the most trending color of the season blends to every mood and style. Best complimenting the Indian Skin stone Orange stands out with a multitude of shades. Lets list the Top 5 Reasons why it’s a complete must have to your Wardrobe:

·       Orange shade has a rare color quality – its both calming and bold. An ideal makeover!

·       Bold and fierce makes a standing statement wherever you go.

·       Pair it with muted shades yet make an interesting appeal

·       Its beautiful and twirly color on the Dance floor

·       Looks Regal/royal with the hint of orange.

Keeping the festive buzz in mind, vibrant shades of orange will hit the right notes. Flared Anarkali is what comes to mind! Choose from citrus, mahogany hues or even floral prints against a subtle background. Indo Westerns or Long Kurtas in peach tones coupled with golden jewelry would be the perfect pick for a party number this autumn.

Lets paint the town orange this Season 😀

How to take care of your Cotton attire?


Summer is the time of the year when people struggle to cope up with the scorching heat and its effects. Unless the body is properly hydrated and cooled, people might experience many physical hazards during this season. One important way to keep the body cool during summer is by wearing the right outfit. Cotton is popularly recognizedas a great material to wear during summer. There is plenty of truth behind this. Here is the list of reasons regarding why you should wear cotton clothes during summer.

Cotton is a Good Absorber: Many people prefer to wear cotton clothes mainly because it absorbs the excess sweat from their body. Moreover, sweat evaporates easily from the cotton material. The excess heat from the outside is spent in evaporating the sweat water. This in turn prevents the heat from reaching our body thereby keeping it cool.

Cotton is Comfortable: Fabric made using pure cotton is light and easy to wear. The comfort it offers during summer is unbeatable. The light nature of cotton fabric makes heat escape easily through its pores and this will keep the body cool when you are wearing it.

Cotton Prevents Fungi Breeding: Many people develop skin rashes and fungi due to the exposure to summer heat.

Heat and moisture are the essential things required for the development of microorganisms. If you wear cotton clothes, you can avoid both and keep your skin free from fungi development.

Light Coloured Cotton Reflects Sunlight: Cotton is a natural fibre and it is colourless. Though dyed cotton fabric is common, it is easy to find light coloured cotton clothes anywhere. This kind of fabric reflects sunlight and prevents excess heat from entering inside your clothes.

Design Choices: In the earlier days, it was a bit hard to find stylish cotton clothes other than dhoti and shirt.

Nowadays, it is pretty easy to find stylish designer casuals as well as formals in cotton fabric. Through this way, you don’t have to sacrifice on your style quotient to keep yourself cool.

When the temperature soars as high as 45 degree Celsius, cotton may come as your saviour to keep yourself cool throughout the day. The advantages of cotton clothes are listed here. You should try it out yourself this summer to find out the benefits.